Unixoutline - R Hileman, winter 2001 for NET 138 KEY: rl= Running Linux, Welsh et al., O'Reilly sp= Shell Programming in 24 Hours, by Veeraraghavan, SAMS ln= Linux in a Nutshell, by Siever et al., O'Reilly [This is a semi-colon delimited file, easily read into other forms.] unit; topics; rl; sp; ln; other 1; Unix/Linux, history, resources, collaboration; rl:xi-xvi,1-7,40-45; sp:1-5,31-34; ln:xi-xii,1-6; Linux Journal, Wired 2; user accounts setup, /home, passwords, login; rl:92-93; sp:24; ln:login,passwd,useradd,whoami; 3; PC hardware, BIOS, CMOS, POST, disk, kernel, shell, multitasking, multiprocessors; ; ; ; PCguts 4; shells and commands; rl:98-100,107-108; sp:10-19; ln:446-451,ch7(scan),ch3(scan); 5; command line editing; rl:100-102; ; ln:455-459; 6; viewers and the manual; rl:109-110,97; sp:31-34,41-42,inside_covers; ln:6-16;cat,more,less,man; 7; files, dirs, and paths; rl:94-97; sp:38-40,45-67,54-55; ln:pwd,cd,ls,mv,cp,mkdir,rm,rmdir; 8; permissions; rl:111-116; sp:74-83; ln:chmod,chown,chgrp,groupadd,groupdel,groupmod,useradd,userdel,usermod; 9; inodes and links; rl:98; sp:71-72; ln:ln; lnxtips, DBarts' inode notes 10; filtering and sorting; ; sp:223-240 ; ln:head,tail,grep,fgrep,egrep,sort,uniq,tr,wc 11; pattern-matching, regular expressions; ; sp:243-249; ln:464-465,ch9; 12; searching the system; ; sp:289-295; ln:find; 13; filename expansion; rl:102-103; sp:117-122; ln:552; 14; plumbing; rl:104-106; sp:198-209; ln:448,461; 15; reshuffling text - awk,sed; ; sp:ch16,ch17; ln:ch13-gawk,ch12-sed; 16; parms & vars; ; sp:105-107,112-114; ln:462-468; 17; quoting and forking; ; sp:ch9; ln:459,503-504;lnxtips 18; system status, processes; rl:119-123,147-149,108; sp:86-100; ln:ps,w,top,last,uptime,finger,who,whoami,pidof,kill,&,at,crontab,jobs; 19; disk, ram, and devices; rl:ch6; sp:344-347; ln:df,du,free,mount,umount; 20: conditionals and loops; ; sp:159-174; ln:if,while,until,for,case,select; 21; writing scripts to monitor the system; ; ; ; 22; design review; ; ; ; 23; design specification; ; ; ; 24; documentation; ; ; ; 25; script writing, testing, debugging; ; ; ; 26; design review; ; ; ; 27; mail; ; ; ; 28; TCP/IP and the OSI model; ; ; ; 29; HTML; ; ; ; 30; web server configuration; ; ; ; 31; log files; ; ; ; 32; finding answers; ; ; ;