{ This is an accumulating document of correspondence here about the WTC attack and the state of the world which created/promoted/allowed it. Last update: 9/15/2001 } A friend writes about the 9/11/01 events: ... I wouldn't be surprised if alot of people in the world feel about this like I feel when the Yankees lose the pennant or the series. My response (as of 9/12/01): There is something going on here which has not made the air waves. Beyond the factors of envy, greed, and exploitation etc., there is an element of future shock. The "developed North" (as referred to by the conference at Rio, being North America, Europe, Japan, maybe Russia, and I'll include Australia and New Zealand) is a set of secular post-industrial societies which are generally moving away from older cultural patterns which characterised pre-industrial * societies, and toward new ideals, new practices, and new ways of discovering and knowing. To picture what I am referring to for the North, look at some magazines: The New Yorker, Fast Company, Science News, Fortune. To picture the pre-industrial society, recall the film "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" where the family is the corporation, and lineage is authority, or, look at the the Taleban. The North is, in cultural and economic terms, exploding in size, speed, knowledge, and variation at a tremendous rate. Concurrent with this post-industrial cultural explosion in the North is a communications explosion that makes it all inescapable for anyone else on the planet. There are many other cultures who are not ready for such a move away from the old. They are being forced into competition with, essentially, a wave from a future which they desperately want to deny. They not ready for this future, it is not a future of their own devising. They don't know yet what their future would be if they had a chance to develop it out of their own cultural location. Their horror is that their future appears already to have been decided by others, and it is clearly counter to values with which they deeply identify. Imagine our response if an alien, but human, people from, say, another planet in our solar system, were to drop in on us, take over, say, Antarctica, transform it to habitability with some superior technology, and begin to export their very sexy, stylish, but disturbing, culture to the rest of the planet, buying up all the hottest properties on all continents, and telling us that we can participate, and compete, when we learn to support the "true values of Solar Culture which represent the future of Humankind." They quickly dominate the planet and claim to define our future in ways which are a) not ours and b) counter to values that we currently hold dear. Would you feel like flying one of their space ships into their Solar Trade Center? I thought so. * see "The Preindustrial City, Past and Present" by Gideon Sjoberg. Free Press. NYC. There are five copies at Powell's Books in Portland. It's out of print. I am not making excuses here. 5,000 murders is a hideous lot. I am just trying to understand where this is coming from. * * * * * * September 13: Some responses to the above - Progressives have a history of being terribly late to recognize the crimes of their favored players on the world stage. Examples are American leftists' resistance to recognize Stalinist bloody purges, or Castro's atrocious treatment of gays and other marginalized people in Cuba, or Arafat's lies and treachery. Much of the dialogue on the internet seems to be bending over backwards to identify with and show understanding for the bad actors on today's stage. This is a mistake. We should recognize that people are being cynically manipulated by demagogues for political purposes. * * * A friend writes: Rhodes, As you know I lived in Saudi Arabia for a while working on a business project. I traveled in the area as we looked at other farms and looked for skilled personnel. There was a willingness and eagerness to incorporate modern methods which included transportation and communication into what we were doing. When an old bedouin chief came in to talk to the suited Saudis there was no snickering as the sandy man walked into the carpeted office with 3 TV sets blaring news in English and Arabic. He also did not take one of his 2 pistols on his belts to shoot at the TV. He had tea, spoke, and left. He came to request help and advice on dealing with one of his families. The differences between this exchange and what takes place in the hatred camps is that there was mutual respect and an understanding of what the other person was all about. I am sure the bedouin reminded the modern Saudi sheikh of the simpler life and family issues of humanity as he carved out global business deals. The reason such large and populated areas can be controlled by one deranged person is the suppression of education and open mass communication. My personal theory would also include the atrocious treatment of the female population. I believe that half of the population is not permitted to lend its naturally more nurturing thinking into the running of the society. It always struck me as odd that the women would be emotionally and educationally deadened and yet be responsible for bringing up the next generation. As you look into the future for your Solar scenario - look back to our wild west. How did they get along? Uneducated sod farmers and the educated elite building cities and laws to govern were able to stay quite separate and continued to widen their gap. Education and communication permitted those on the farm to leave if they wanted to. It became more of a lifestyle choice. Had there been no education available to the farmer and his family- I am sure the outcome might have been different with a seething repressed group taking orders from the citified elite. We saw the obvious value of farmers producing food. What is the value of an international hatred camp or of religious zealots without the wisdom to understand that the world has been changing since the beginning of civilization. Alvin Toffler believes that many people take longer to absorb change and for some it is incredibly painful to the point that it seems illogical that they should have to endure such pain. To allow all those people to form an alliance, have access to power (money), cloak it in a religious (unassailable right) belief, and brainwash generations is a tragedy. * * * Another friend writes: Rhodes, I'm understanding of the human emotion behind our beating the war drums, but incredibly saddened that no public leaders are asking "why" did this happen, and instead blaming it on "evil". From simply a muslim point of view consider: 1) America's refusal to allow the Eastern European muslims to arm themselves to defend against ethnic cleansing. 2) The subsequent carpet bombing of the area. 3) The bombing of Baghdad - a civilian capital - where the Pentagon estimates 200,000 deaths, and the UN estimates that 500,000 children have died since as a result of "spent uranium shells" (cancer") and total destruction of the santitation infrastructure. 4) Our unequivocal, uncritical support of (or silence about) Israel when gunships fly into cities and strafe and rocket police stations, office buildings; when the entire Palestinian citizenry is reduced to impoverished refugees in a country which is at least partially theirs; where 12 year olds are being shot to death for throwing stones. It would take a superhuman person not to be enraged; not to plan malevolent retribution. This awful bombing demonstrates to me that no one anywhere is safe. That the very engines of our wealth can be turned against us, and only honest steps taken to investigate "why people hate us so much" might be of use. It is an ideal time. Touched by grief and real suffering, perhaps Americans are at last ready to comprehend the levels of suffering created in their names in: Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Panama, Haiti, Iraq, Bosnia, and now apparently Afghanistan. The people planning the retribution are the same people who've brought us all the previous side-shows. While their response may serve to consolidate the presidency for George II, there is no military response that can stop small cells of five to ten people operating independently. Rudimentary logistics and logic show that. The only option truly left is to begin treating people as human, and attending to the legitimacy of their needs ---- and this includes the poor bastards at airport security making minimum wage and no benefits. The core common denominator is money. The airlines don't want to pay for real security. Our government doesn't want to give up a nickel so that Africans and Latin-Americans could rise out of poverty; the Israeli's won't give up a penny so that the Palestinians could have running water. The upshot? A new generation of people with nothing to lose; ready to die to advance a cause. There's no way we can beat such people without so fundamentally changing ourselves as to make living here unfit for people. Only an honest redress of grievances and measures of social justice will allow people to get on with their own constructive nation building and closer-to-home wealth building and society building processes. I'm afraid we're going to keep on re-creating the past. Next time, one of those people crossing the border, might just have a bottle of Sarin or Anthrax in his pocket. I'm afraid our leaders are not thinking empathetically and clearly. (It was their policy institutes after all, that disparaged suicide attacks in the United States in the belief that as soon as people left the Middle East and got here, they would want to live! How chauvinistic is that?) Ah well, keep breathing. * * * Another friend writes to his sons across the country: hi guys: I tried to call you Tues p.m. after the "bombing" just to talk but the phone connections to the East weren't working. I know you're OK but this is a time for fatherly wisdom, if I have any. A few truths you won't learn in school (unless you have a very brave teacher): 1. The worldwide media are controlled by large mega corporations. They let us hear/see/read the news that they want us to hear. They want us to believe that things are good, that anyone opposing their profit making ventures are bad. What makes it hard is that sometimes the media are right and those bad people are really bad. In the US it's not so often the outright lies, but it is more often the absence of certain news or facts. Some news stories just never appear here. Of course its not better in other countries, they just get different slants on their news than we do. The net can be a counter tool to the control of media by the mega corps in the first world and by the ruling governments in the less developed world. The net can also be a monster source of lies and stupidity. 2. When analyzing the news, look for what they are not saying. By this I mean when they are all talking about the donut and its shape, texture, flavor, etc. ask yourself why are they not talking about the hole? They act like there is no hole, there is nothing to talk about, how can you talk about a hole? And that hole and the reason there is a hole in that donut is exactly what they are not thinking about, or if they are thinking about it, they don't want you to think about it... Examples. 1: On Tues a.m. I immediately picked up on 2 things that weren't being said. The first of them was about airport security (now, later they are starting to talk about it, but not quite with the right target). The security folks are all mimimum wage. They have bad working conditions . Would you like their job 40 hrs. a week? How motivated can someone be at mimimum wage in a dead end job getting lots of disrespect from angry travelers? A lot of these security folks probably can't afford air travel for themselves. The airlines don't employ them, the work is contracted out to private security agencies, often to the lowest bidder. So who gets shafted? The workers, who then get the lowest pay. Many of them are working two jobs to make ends meet. I bet they are pretty tired and not always alert... Or maybe some are angry. How hard do you think it would be to "infiltrate" an airport security company? CBS news said the turnover in security personnel at Logan Airport was 200% in one year. Probably anyone with a good attendance record could be a shift supervisor in 6 months. The shift supervisor and a few other infiltrators working under him/her could let all sorts of people/weapons thru the system at the designated time... An important link in airport security is staffed by people whose bosses got the contract by paying them less money. The security companies profit more, so we get less security. Another example: They now tell us that 3-6 people per airplane did the hijacking with box cutter knives. But there were 45 - 90 people on each airplane. There is something the media is not asking or not telling us - How do three guys with nasty but little knives "herd" (that's the term the media used) 40 people? Don't you think that 10 people (especialy using coats or jackets as shields to deflect the little sharp blades) could easily overwhelm one of the knife guys? And not one of the 10 would be killed by those little knives. Yes, some nasty slashes...but 10:1 odds... They are not talking about that...why? What could really have been going on? I don't know, but we should be asking. I am not saying that there is a big conscious cover up conspiracy. No it's more like there is nothing to say about a topic that nobody is saying anything about. The media are not looking (and if anybody found it, their bosses would kill the story). Why? Because they would not believe it. Like asking a blind man to differentiate between red and blue. Its just not there. Osama Bin Laden, could be. Iraq, why not? We've got to retaliate against somebody. We just don't know who. And the official explanation is that this was a very expensive and big plot that only a very wealthy and well organized group or nation could bring about. Maybe. It's always more honorable to be beaten by a powerful adversay than to be beaten by a chump. If the Yankees take a series from the Ms we feel alot better about losing than if we get beaten by a weak team like the Devil Rays. I may well be wrong. What do I know (other than to question, disbelieve and look for the hole, not the donut)? But I think we were taken down by chumps. I think it didn't take millions of dollars and many hundreds of people. It did take 20-25 people who were willing to commit suicide. That is impressive in its own sorry way. It took a few months (not many) of planning, a few jobs as security guards, maybe another dozen people. It did not take 4 seasoned pilots of large commercial jets. The hard thing about flying an airplane is take off and landing. Once it's in the air it takes not much knowledge to steer the damn thing. A couple hours on a flight simulator, or even just a game on a PC maybe? The simplicity of the plot is elegant. Bombs can blow up at the wrong time, but they didn't need a bomb. They had a very safe jet plane loaded with enough flammable fuel to fly over 3,000 miles. A much bigger bomb than even Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols put together in a pickup truck. Getting the bomb to the terror site can often be a challenge, but they had four seasoned airline pilots to do the hard work (take off) and then all they had to do was turn the plane and steer it (once they took over). The plots to kill Hitler and Castro, and who knows who else, were always based on the necessity for the assasins to believe that they had a chance of escaping. Not a problem with these guys. They were given the bomb, they were given the delivery system. All they had to plot was how to take control. What is in the hole in that donut? For the rest of it, all they had to do was have someone with the ability to figure out airline schedules. Can you read an airline sched off the net? I can. They didn't have to import some master bomb maker, or terrorist who is wanted all over the world. They didn't have to sneak people or large amounts of $ for purchasing necessities or bribes into the US. Once they got the martyrs, they needed little else...just how to get the hijackers and their weapons on the planes. No sophisticated communications systems, no hi tech nothing, no overpowering guards, no creating diversions. All they needed was the martyrs and six months time. They didn't have to sneak in the US. They came legitimately as students, legal immigrants, business people, tourists. They didn't make noise or demonstrate for Palestinian rights or on behalf of the wreched Iraqi victims of international sanctions. They just lived normal, legal lives. They didn't tell their families or friends. They just knew that they were going to die for a cause they knew was worthwhile. I wish I hadn't seen the videos of the tiny little bodies floating slowly to the ground, people choosing to die on the pavement rather than in the fire. And the 30 plotters didn't do it for money or fame. Forget the evil bad guys in the movies and comix who do their deeds for the pure love of evil or wealth or fame. These guys were certain that they were doing right. That they were saying that which needed to be said. I disagree with them and certainly with their methods. But they suceeded in getting across their message. 10,000 dead? They didn't kill US soldiers or the heads of the big corporations or high government officials. They killed mostly ordinary atheists, jews, christians, moslems, hindus, santerias, democrats, republicans, socialists, fascists, anarchists and pacifists. Even if I am wrong with my analysis here, always do remember: "When they are talking about the donut, you start asking questions about the hole." your old dad * * * * * September 15, 2001 Mr. President, The White House Washington DC, USA This is the sort of speech many of us are hoping to hear from you now: We hear some Americans seeking swift, broad, and blunt retaliation. They say, "If this injury is not cause for immediate attack, what is?" We say to them, "The exercise of restraint is noble only when the injury is great." The principle of revenge gave us the tragedies of Ireland, Israel, Rwanda, Sarajevo, and Oklahoma City... and now this attack. America is founded not on revenge, but on justice for all. Freedom is built on justice. If we abandon the pursuit of justice now, what is America for? The world watches to see how the spirit of this great nation will respond in action. America, home of the freedom revolution, will show its true nature. The revolution will not be terrorized! Hope that helps. Feel free to use any of it. Best regards, Rhodes Hileman * * * * *