Environmental Organization Development.

I offer experience in management and organizational development, ranging from non-profits for environmental education to high-technology startups. My work as operations director for a number of startup technology businesses brings a practical expertise to bear on the challenges of setting up new organizations and projects. I have many associates in the field of environmental action, who inform my work, and who can collaborate with me to get the job done.

I am interested in working with organizations that take a proactive strategy in relation to the enviro/political landscape. That means I'm not interested in last minute efforts to save this or stop that, reacting to a multitude of assaults by capital interests. I am interested in educating those powers that be, in educating the voters, educating the children. I am also interested in promoting stewardship strategies such as the Nature Conservancy and the Trust for Public Land. I view them as proactive.

My perspective has been shaped by participation in Planet Drum Foundation as subscriber, occasional volunteer, and informal associate, since its inception. I created and completed a degree program in Bioregional Design at Antioch at the same time that "Reinhabiting a Separate Country" (Planet Drum) was published.

I have a history of environmental action which reaches from the early 1960's to the early 1980's. In 1981 I provided supervison and coordination of watershed surveyors for a seminal community-based salmon habitat restoration project which continues today. I also co-wrote the first grant proposal and helped bootstrap the organization.


I offer a broad range of hands-on work skills relevant to environmental organizational development, as well as facilitation and management capabilities. See my resume.

Take me back home.

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email to env@smsys.com

Contact information is here.